
Student Learning


On Monday 30 May, 12 Year 7s represented Woodend at an inter school Japanese Quiz afternoon. They were placed in teams with students from other schools. This was a great opportunity to share their knowledge with other students and also… Continue Reading →

PEDAL PRIX: We Love To Race… New Riders Welcome… First Race 19 June

Students can enjoy the  excitement of  riding a human powered vehicle (HPV) and compete in our school team  against other schools in the PEDAL PRIX competition. Pedal Prix is a very special opportunity for parents and children to work together…. Continue Reading →

Training Students to Notice What Intellectual Stretch Looks Like

This year Woodend along with our local partnership of schools and pre-schools continues our involvement in the Local Partnerships Teaching for Effective Learning (TfEL) PILOT. Our students will continue the exciting and innovative work co-designing learning improvement in our schools… Continue Reading →


As we try to develop more intellectual stretch for our children, what we say  to them and what we don’t say, become increasingly important. How might we promote greater discussion and thinking as children engage in mathematical activities at home… Continue Reading →

Lab on Wheels Comes to Woodend

Many of the year 3 /4/5 classes will be involved in HANDS ON Chemical Science activities this week  here at school. Each of these classes will be involved in a 90 minute session. This will be a fabulous opportunity for students… Continue Reading →

Visiting from the USA

My name is Declan and I’m visiting from the USA. At the end of last year, my parents decided I was going to be in Australia for a term of school. My first reaction was “I’m going to a desert… Continue Reading →

Thanks to our Garden Volunteers

Thank you so much to the enthusiastic  volunteers who have helped our  kitchen garden classes with the working bees to  bring the garden back into a manageable order.  It has been a big team effort  and the garden is now… Continue Reading →

NAPLaN in Perspective … Results +

Weekend coverage on the NAPLaN league tables that the media  produces  to “rank” schools are exactly why  educators  don’t like the hype around these tests.  Everyone wants to make improvements to student learning and every school wants to  improve their strategies to do… Continue Reading →

Harmony Day… Australia has been Multicultural for more than 50 000 years!

Our Diversity is Our Strength… It’s our Harmony Day; an event  to highlight  that we focus  our students on the wonderful richness that cultural diversity provides.  We celebrate together today, with our Hanami Picnic. A big thank you to all who contributed… Continue Reading →

Visual Arts and Design Technology R-2 in 2016

My name is Cate Ellis. This year I am delivering the Visual Arts and Design Technology programs at Woodend PS to the junior primary students in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.   The program runs as follows, with a… Continue Reading →

More than Dancing

Once again this year teachers from Years 1-5 have been engaged  Footsteps Dance Studios in a 5 week block of weekly dance lessons for students. Teachers intentions were to use this program as a multipurpose opportunity for students to be… Continue Reading →

Design and Technology

Hi, My name is Lyn Klinkert and I have been a Relief and Contract Teacher at Woodend for 20 years. I have taught in the Library, The Arts, PE and been a class teacher from Receptions to Yr 7. This… Continue Reading →

NIHONGO (Japanese) at Woodend

  Konnichiwa!   Our focus at Woodend is not only the language side of Japanese but also learning about and appreciating another culture. Students are exposed to many cultural aspects and customs of Japan as well as the language. This… Continue Reading →

Helpful hints for school

Is your child having difficulty getting into a school routine? Is s/he having trouble developing healthy habits? Encourage them to access this Kids Health website with you.  There is a new section in the Women’s and Children’s Network, a website developed… Continue Reading →

Woodend Physical Education Program

My name is Matthew Hehner and I am the Physical Education (PE) teacher here at Woodend Primary School. This is my 5th year here at Woodend and I really enjoying teaching all students R-7. My PE program focuses on all students… Continue Reading →

2016 semester 2 in The Arts

A new semester has begun in The Arts, bringing new classes.As this year we are having double lessons for a semester in The Arts, swapping with Design and Technology in the other half year, the classes have now swapped. R-… Continue Reading →

BYOD – Digital Technologies in 2016 and Beyond

As you would know our school supports a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program as an approach to complementing our school resources and enhancing the use of digital technology on our school network. It is our aim that digital technology is used… Continue Reading →

Important Information for 2016 … Broader BYOD for Students, Reception Students Dismissed Early

School Begins Monday 1 February 2016 Reception Students Dismissed  At 12:30 pm During The First Week of Term 1, 2016 Between 12:30 pm And 4:00 pm Each Day In Week 1 Term 1, 2016, Meetings Between Reception Teachers And Parents BYOD… Continue Reading →

End of Year Student Reports

Please refer to the letter distributed  via the term 2  Student Report blog post. Information regarding classes for next year has already  been printed and will be distributed today.

Graduation Dancing … Great Team Efforts

This year’s graduation is rapidly approaching. Our graduating students have been extremely busy rehearsing their creative dances for the farewell assembly and their formal dances  for the graduation ceremony. The dances are looking fabulous and we have all been impressed with… Continue Reading →

Digital Technologies Curriculum 2016 … Bring Your Own Device REMINDER

It is our aim that digital technology is used to promote powerful learning, inquiry, creativity and effective communication. We wish to support our students to become digitally responsible citizens. We also want students to be using digital technology as a… Continue Reading →

Congratulations High Velocity

Congratulations to all the team members who participated in the recent Jump Rope Championships held at Westminster College.Once again Woodend won many medals finishing second overall an amazing effort! Their Group Routine to the soundtrack of Thriller was outstanding and… Continue Reading →


Recently Woodend School took part in School Crossing Monitor Training conducted by the South Australian Police. This involved students in years 5 and 6 being trained by Road Safety Educators from the SA Police Road Safety Section. After the training is… Continue Reading →

External Review: Parents and Students Invited To Provide Input

We need some parents to come along on Wednesday 4 November (2:00 pm or 2:30 pm) and be part of a group discussion / feedback session with a couple of very  friendly review officers who are reviewing our school.  The… Continue Reading →

That Sugar Film: Thank Yous and Key Messages

We had a very positive response to our free movie night last Thursday evening.  Families could enjoy sitting in comfy chairs or bean bags tasting strawberry sorbet, Apricot with Cardamom Grissini sticks or popcorn and viewing the thought-provoking movie ‘That… Continue Reading →

Bee Bots have invaded Room 9!

This year the Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers have enabled the school to purchase a further 30  Bee Bots to be used by our classes. How very exciting for our students.  We thank all families who contributed to this effort and… Continue Reading →

Homework Survey Reminder

Thank you to those  parents who have already  responded to our Homework Survey (click here).  We appreciate the feedback and encourage  more parents to take a few moments to complete the survey before it closes this Friday 16 October.  We will also… Continue Reading →

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