
Student Learning

Not long until STEAM Week!!

It is coming!  STEAM Week is Term 4, Week 1 11th – 15th of October It is a week of showcasing family and student creativity, investigations and actions in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics! A reminder of the theme:… Continue Reading →

Full steam ahead for STEAM Week 2021!

Term 4, Week 1 (11th – 15th of October) We are excited to be holding our annual STEAM Week again this year. Through a range of activities and celebrations, students will have the opportunity to imagine, action and showcase their… Continue Reading →

InitiaLit presentation to Leaders

We were very excited to be invited to share our work with using the InitiaLit program with our local schools this week.  Ms Yardley, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Ogilvie, Mrs Harris and Mrs Luke showcased aspects of the program to the… Continue Reading →

Mid Year Reports

As a parent/carer/guardian you will receive two written reports each year. These reports will help you understand how your child is progressing and how schools support your child’s development. Mid-year reports are intended to communicate with families about how students… Continue Reading →

Raising Awareness about Downs Syndrome

The unconditional love that two of our Woodend siblings have for their younger brother has led them to sacrifice hours of planning and hard work to raise funds to support their brother, Koa’s health needs.  Reef and Mahala have chosen… Continue Reading →

Congratulations SAPSASA cricketers!

It was a nail biting start to the year with the round 1 of the boys SAPSASA Cricket on Friday against Woodcroft Primary School. Woodend batted first and ended up with 3/121 after the 20 overs. There was lots of… Continue Reading →

Learning Support 2021

Literacy and Numeracy are foundational to learning at Woodend. The literacy and numeracy learning programs are evidence-informed and differentiated to meet individual students needs. For a variety of reasons there is a small percentage of students who require additional support… Continue Reading →

Assistance for New Families

New Woodend families have now been with us for 5 weeks!  Here are a few pics of families where the new Reception has joined their sibling now at school! We trust that your child is settling into school life at… Continue Reading →

It is nearly STEAM Week! Are you thinking STEAM?

Welcoming our tiny visitors

Our Reception children are loving time with their fluffy chicken friends in their classroom.  Once again all Reception classrooms have welcomed the tiny chicks from the Henny Penny Hatching program.  In fact our school is the first school since COVID-19… Continue Reading →

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

Take Action Together is the theme for The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA), which was held on Wednesday 19th February 2020 here at Woodend. Our school has registered as an official NDA member school and we… Continue Reading →

Woodend’s New Grow Free Cart

On Thursday 28th November, we officially opened the ‘Grow Free Cart’.  This was initiated by student members of the SRC Environment Committee, in particular, Year 6 student, Sara Owies.  The purpose of this cart is for students, parents or staff… Continue Reading →

STEAM Week Day #3

Amongst all the critical and creative STEAM related thinking happening in classes during day 3, we also hosted members of the Seaview High School Pedal Prix team and their teacher, Mr Joel Fitzgerald. They shared all the STEAM linked to their… Continue Reading →

STEAM Week Timetable 2019

Here is a timetable of events and incursions happening during our Woodend STEAM Week.  Once again, we have been fortunate to have several reputable STEAM professionals work with different age groups.  These range from a Tall Poppy Scientist, an Engineer… Continue Reading →

STEAM Week news!

STEAM Week is Term 4 Week 1    Monday 14th – Friday 18th October 2019 …  an exciting week at Woodend! This week you will receive an invitation to our STEAM Week which is a parent engagement initiative.  We hope… Continue Reading →

STEAM Week is coming!

Are you getting excited for STEAM Week? Read on to see some new events! Monday 14 – Friday 18 October 2019 (Term 4 Week 1) is Woodend’s celebration of all things STEAM. This year we have a theme called: Do… Continue Reading →

Connecting with our local Goodstart Early Learning Centre

We have enjoyed getting to know staff and students at Goodstart Early Learning Centre on Young Street.  Room 28 Year 6/7 students have been visiting the centre to get to know the students and engage in such things as: story… Continue Reading →

Welcome to our new Reception children!

Welcome to our new Reception children and their families!  We enjoyed meeting many parents/carers at our ‘Cheers or Tears’ gathering last Tuesday morning.  Week One has now finished and we are seeing the new children settle into school life remarkably… Continue Reading →

Year 6 Leadership Session

Enjoyable, a growth mindset, caring, generous, flexible, high achievers, mature, respectful, fun These are just some of the things our current year 6 students would  like people to be saying about them as a year 7 group as they graduate… Continue Reading →

What would you like to know about Pedal Prix?

Would you like to know more about Pedal Prix at Woodend?  Does your son or daughter show interest in: racing? tinkering or learning about the mechanics or motion of vehicles? cooperating with others in a team taking appropriate risks? having… Continue Reading →

Rooms 1 & 2 are Learning The Recorder

Year 4 & 5 students in rooms 1 & 2 have been undertaking music this term. We are using the the recorder to help gain further understandings of beat /pulse, rhythm and melody. Students have mastered the treble clef notes… Continue Reading →

Day 4 and 5 of STEAM Week

Day 4 and 5 of STEAM Week saw the Year 6/7 and 5/6 students working with Dr Justin Chalker, a Science Lecturer at Flinders University.  It was also the launch of our STEAM Expo on the Thursday evening and a… Continue Reading →

Launch of our Woodend Virtual Art Gallery

What an exciting time for our school!  On Thursday we launched our first ever Woodend Primary School Virtual Art Gallery, affectionately named “The WAG” – Woodend Art Gallery. The official launch took place in our gym at the STEAM Expo… Continue Reading →

Inspiration from a Scientist

On Thursday we welcomed back Dr Justin Chalker, to our school for STEAM Week.  Dr Chalker is a Science lecturer and Chemist at Flinders University and has been to each Science Week at Woodend teaching and inspiring students about scientific… Continue Reading →

Thank you Australian Maths and Science School

Last term the teachers of the Year 4/5 students worked with teachers from the Australian Maths and Science School (ASMS) to plan a STEAM challenge for the students.  The challenge was for students to build the tallest free-standing tower using… Continue Reading →

Pedal Prix … all about STEAM

We were fortunate to have Pedal Prix coordinator and teacher, Joel Fitzgerald and his four Seaview High School students work with all the Year 4/5 classes about all the STEAM related to Pedal Prix today.  Our school has close connections… Continue Reading →

Excursion to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre

Last week the year 2 classes (Room 4, Room 6 and Room 20) went on an excursion to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre (Warriparinga). Warriparinga means ‘windy place by the river’. It is a ceremonial meeting place and an early… Continue Reading →

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