It is coming!  STEAM Week is Term 4, Week 1

11th – 15th of October

It is a week of showcasing family and student creativity, investigations and actions in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics!

A reminder of the theme: ‘Food: Different by Design’. (Think: solutions for creating a sustainable food future in our world) but your family can choose an investigation other than food too!

A reminder of what is happening …

  • Would you like to share your special interest or career-related to STEAM with your child’s class?  We would love you to talk to us! There is still time! Please contact your child’s teacher/s to arrange a time
  • You and your child/ren can plan and conduct an investigation, experiment or creation during the holidays and this can be shown at our school Expo on Friday 15/9/21
  • All classes will be involved in an investigation to solve a real world problem and share this with their peers and/or buddies at the Expo. We have visiting Tall Poppy Scientists, Lecturers and Science teachers in years 3-7 classes throughout the week. Their fields range from Hydrology to Gut Bacteria. Special activities, lunch time programs and STEAM experiences will be happening throughout the week
  • Arts Showcase – our virtual showcase of our special interest Arts programs will be streamed from 7pm on Tuesday 12/10/21 (virtual event).  See our Newsblog or School Facebook page
  • Virtual Online Gallery – take a look to see if your child features on our gallery!
  • Nude Food Day is on Thursday 14/10/21
  • STEAM Week Expo is on Friday 15/10/21 – this is an opportunity for students to share their family projects or investigations with their class

For extra ideas and reminders relating to all things STEAM Week, follow the Facebook Event ‘STEAM Week @ Woodend Primary School‘.


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