

End of Term 2 Early Dismissal

Just a reminder that the last day of Term 2 is an Early Dismissal. We finish the term on Friday 5th July 2024 at 2.05pm not 3.05pm. Term 3 commences on Monday 22nd July 2024.

Have you enrolled your child at Woodend Children’s Centre?

Important Woodies Goodies Canteen Information!

We are so fortunate to have a fully functioning canteen service that operates for 5 days a week.  Here a few important points to make it clearer to you on some of our processes in the canteen: Lunch orders can… Continue Reading →

Before & After School – Access to Hallways & Classrooms

It is great to see many students and families choosing to access the school via the Young Street gate in the morning. This helps to alleviate some of the congestion on other roads and paths. To help in establishing the… Continue Reading →

Digital Consent Forms

Communicating with Teachers in 2024: Seesaw for Families

Dear Families, This year all classes will be using Seesaw to share and communicate with parents and caregivers! Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. Teachers and School Administration will also use Seesaw to send messages and… Continue Reading →

Woodies Goodies Canteen Sports Day information

Here is all you need to know about Sports Day from our friendly canteen staff: ***  Sports Day Friday 3rd November 2023 *** The Sports Day Sausage Sizzle is the popular Sports Day lunch item!  There are drinks and treats… Continue Reading →

Policy Spotlight: Student Use of Mobile Phones & Personal Devices

We wish to remind families about the compulsory policy for Department for Education schools that restricts the use of mobile phones and other personal devices, inclusind smart watches, in schools. Some key points from this policy include: For the purpose… Continue Reading →

Mid-Year Student Reports

As a parent or guardian, you will receive two written reports each year about your child’s progress at school. These reports are designed to help you understand how your child is doing academically and how the school is supporting their… Continue Reading →

Traffic Update: Important Changes

With the start of a new school year it is timely to remind our community of some important traffic messages that help keep our young people safe on our roads while travelling to and from school. Much of this information… Continue Reading →

NAPLAN 2023 – Privacy Notice & Information for Parents

NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy… Continue Reading →

Changes to the Kiss’n’Go – Important Information for Families

As a school community we have a shared responsibility to keep our children safe. Traffic around our school is the subject of ongoing conversations between staff, Governing Council, families, and Marion Council. As you may have read in a recent… Continue Reading →

What would you like to know about Woodend Children’s Centre?

WOODEND CHILDREN’S CENTRE 2023 preschool enrolments now open!! We are a full time Department for Education centre offering a 15hr/week preschool program for children in their year prior to attending school.  Session groups in 2023 will be on Monday/Tuesday and… Continue Reading →

What would you like to know about Trott Park Kindergarten?

TROTT PARK KINDERGARTEN – Don’t forgot to enrol your child now for 2023 We are a full time Department for Education Kindergarten offering a preschool program – Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 2.45pm and alternate Fridays 8:30am to 1:30pm. 8… Continue Reading →

Learning Conversations / Interviews 2022

Formal Learning Conversations (or Interviews) are an important element of our reporting process and build on partnerships with teachers, students and families to ensure successful learning. These conversations are occurring in classes this term from Monday 28/3 – Thursday 8/4… Continue Reading →

Principal’s Update: 3 February 2022

Dear families, Thank you so much for the efforts that you have made to ensure that our first few days of school for 2022 have been as smooth as possible for our students, especially the new students starting school for… Continue Reading →

Week 2 arrangements for Reception and Year 1 families

Congratulations to you! Week 1 is nearly complete and your Reception or Year 1 child has successfully manage all the new learning associated with school life. We thank you for supporting your Reception/Year 1 child to get to school promptly… Continue Reading →

Building Connections Conversations to continue

Parents/carers of Reception children will have received an email detailing the alternative arrangements for Building Connections Conversations (BCC) in Week 1(Monday 31/1 – Friday 4/1/22). The conversations continue as scheduled in the form of a Zoom or phone call. On… Continue Reading →

Minimising COVID cases at Woodend PS

Dear parents/caregivers, The start of the 2022 school year has been adjusted to help minimise the peak of COVID-19 cases in South Australia. Arrangements for Students of Essential Workers (31 January and 1 February) Monday 31 January and Tuesday 1… Continue Reading →

Not long until STEAM Week!!

It is coming!  STEAM Week is Term 4, Week 1 11th – 15th of October It is a week of showcasing family and student creativity, investigations and actions in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics! A reminder of the theme:… Continue Reading →

End of Term Dismissal

Just a reminder that the last day of Term 1 is an Early Dismissal. We finish the term on Friday, 9 April 2021 at 2.05pm not 3.05pm. Term 2 Commences on Tuesday 27 April 2021.

Assistance for New Families

New Woodend families have now been with us for 5 weeks!  Here are a few pics of families where the new Reception has joined their sibling now at school! We trust that your child is settling into school life at… Continue Reading →

BYOD Information Session 2021

Parents and caregivers are invited to learn more about our BYOD Program as a part of this year’s Acquaintance Night. In this webinar we look at the vision for our learners when using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and discuss… Continue Reading →

Dress Code Policy

Last year in Terms 3 and 4, with support from Governing Council, parents/ carers, staff and students, a committee reviewed our school Dress Code policy.  A school Dress Code is the documented standards of what is acceptable in relation to… Continue Reading →

Enrolments open for Trott Park Kindergarten

Here is information about Trott Park Kindergarten: TROTT PARK KINDERGARTEN – Don’t forgot to enrol your child now for 2021 We are a full time Department of Education Kindergarten offering a preschool program – Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 2.45pm… Continue Reading →

Enrolments open at Woodend Children’s Centre

Woodend Children’s Centre is located adjacent to Woodend Primary School.  It offers a preschool program from Monday to Friday.  The centre provides a safe, secure, happy and loving environment for children and a program which reflects the needs and interests… Continue Reading →

Celebrate the taste of summer – Seedling sale Dec 5 & 6 starting at 2:45pm

Woodend students have grown and nurtured a variety of organic tomato seedlings this term for your gardens! Come and check out what’s on offer to get your garden pumping with summer flavour. All proceeds going back into the Kitchen Garden… Continue Reading →

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