
Student Learning

Building Reading Skills in the Early Years!

Dear Parents/Carers, Learning to read is one of the most important life skills.  However, it is not a natural human skill developed by humans.  Our human brain is not hardwired to read.  We have to help our children learn the… Continue Reading →

Call for play items!

Are you about to have a clean-out of your toy cupboards? If so, we would be grateful for any of the following items to enrich our play program at Woodend: Tonka Trucks or similar hard wearing toy vehicles Lego –… Continue Reading →

Thank you for contributing to STEAM Week!

We were thrilled with the number of parents/carers who generously donated their time to speak to classes across our school during STEAM Week.  These parents talked about their passion, interest and/or occupation related to STEAM.  As you can see from… Continue Reading →

STEAM Week and Music Night highlights!

What an awesome start to the Term 1 commencing with our annual STEAM Week! We trust that you and your family were engaged and inspired by the variety of experiences on offer. Thank you to all those families who participated… Continue Reading →

Get ready for STEAM Week 2023!

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics Career Sharing | Family Design Challenge | Arts Showcase | Expo Evening  It’s almost time for us to celebrate STEAM Week at Woodend Primary School! This year, we will ‘Reimagine the Future’ as we showcase our future-focused thinking,… Continue Reading →

Do you know about Student Voice In Learning?

We are the SVIL team at Woodend Primary School. SVIL represents “Student Voice in Learning”. We are in Years 3 – 6 and we applied for this job. Our important work is to teach other students what a “growth mindset”… Continue Reading →

More entries at the Royal Adelaide Show!

Ou students have been busily preparing our produce entries for the Royal Adelaide Show.  Here the senior students have been harvesting and arranging our produce. These entries will be displayed on Saturday morning in the Goyder Pavillion in readiness for… Continue Reading →

Do you have these items for our play program?

We would be appreciative of any of the following items for our play program for the Reception – Year 2 children.  If you or someone you know is having a clean out of cupboards, we would happily accept any of… Continue Reading →

100 days of Reception!

Today we celebrated our Receptions being at school for 100 days!  The children had been counting the days leading up to this day of celebrating their 100 day journey! Reception students and staff could dress up to commemorate the 100… Continue Reading →

Mid-Year Student Reports

As a parent or guardian, you will receive two written reports each year about your child’s progress at school. These reports are designed to help you understand how your child is doing academically and how the school is supporting their… Continue Reading →

Environmental Update: Student Leadership, Community Projects and School Upgrades

Woodend has been abuzz with various environmental projects taking place in the past few weeks. Youth Environmental Leaders Project Our SRC Leadership team have again been invited to join the Green Adelaide Youth Environmental Leaders Program. This program offers ongoing… Continue Reading →

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day!

Thank you to all our students for joining in to our celebration for World Syndrome Day today!. As part of our  acknowledgement and celebration of uniqueness students and staff wore different coloured, lengths and styles of socks. There were numerous… Continue Reading →

Welcome to our 2023 Student Representative Council Members!

The Student Representative Council (SRC) has an important and valued role at Woodend Primary School. This year we have 40 student representatives from 15 classes, many of whom attended their first SRC meeting today.  Students who are elected to SRC… Continue Reading →

What are the Zones of Regulation?

You may have heard your child talking about ‘the Zones’ and their colours.  What is this all about? The Zones of Regulation is a curriculum developed by an occupational therapist, Leah Kuypers, that focusses on helping students to gain skills… Continue Reading →

Thank you 2022 Student Voice In Learning team

It is time to thank and farewell our Student Voice in Learning (SVIL) team.  This group of students have shown enthusiasm and a willingness to make a difference to learning across the school.  Their ‘theory of choice’ has been: We… Continue Reading →

Recognising Woodend citizens

Thank you to these Room 8 students who used their initiative to raise money for our school last term.  Isabella, Sienna, Imogen, Sophie, Vika,  Evie and Payton (absent) made and sold items to sell in the street area of our… Continue Reading →

Everything you need to know about STEAM Week 2022!

We are excited to be holding our annual STEAM Week again in 2022. Students will have the opportunity to imagine, action and showcase their ideas in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics as they explore our theme… Continue Reading →

Show-ing Off Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

If you get along to the show tomorrow or Monday, be sure to stop by the horticulture exhibits and check out our entries. Our Year 5/6 classes have created Scarecrows that are entered in the Royal Adelaide Show’s Scarecrow Competition… Continue Reading →

‘A Case of Discovery’ Forensic Science Workshop

On Wednesday of last week, years 4, 5 and 6 classes took part in a fantastic Science workshop that focussed on forensic evidence and code cracking. Students were invited to help crack the code and solve a “real life” forensic… Continue Reading →

Patch Theatre performance woos our little people!

Today we took five buses full of Reception to Year 2 students to Hopgood Theatre.  It was a Patch Theatre Performance entitled ‘Home’.  There was not one minute where the children’s senses were not engaged! Visually, orally, aurally and kinaesthetically… Continue Reading →

Year 5/6 Field River Planting Day by Leni, Andie, Caprice and Hans

On Monday, 27th of June the year 5/6s in rooms 17 and 29 gathered at Field River to help Deb from Greening Australia and Henry from Green Adelaide restore the natural environment and make it much more green by planting… Continue Reading →

Policy change linked to reading

Dear Parents/Carers We are writing to inform you of a significant policy change within the Department for Education. This change from previous years is that ‘Running Records’ – a previous measure of a student’s reading growth is no longer a… Continue Reading →

Learning Support Term 2

Our learning support programs are up and running again for term 2 and we are pleased with the progress students are making with this additional support. This term, we have started an additional support program for year 5 students and… Continue Reading →

Term 1 complete!

It is hard to believe that our newest members of Woodend have now completed Term 1!  Our Reception students have engaged in face-to-face learning at school for 11 weeks and that is to commended.  Not only have they been learning… Continue Reading →

Learning Conversations / Interviews 2022

Formal Learning Conversations (or Interviews) are an important element of our reporting process and build on partnerships with teachers, students and families to ensure successful learning. These conversations are occurring in classes this term from Monday 28/3 – Thursday 8/4… Continue Reading →

Communicating with Teachers: Seesaw for Families

Dear Families, This year all classes will be using Seesaw to share and communicate with families! This replaces our use of closed class Facebook groups. Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. Teachers will also use Seesaw… Continue Reading →

Student Voice In Learning concludes for 2021

We were very thankful for the work of our Student Voice In Learning (SVIL) teams this year.  Both the project and school teams worked together to make an impact across classes encouraging teachers and students to plan for and embrace… Continue Reading →

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