Would you like to know more about one of Woodend’s School Sports? Simply click on the sport to find out more!
It is time for our Woodend Cricket to commence. We are calling for students from Years 2-6 that are interested in playing cricket for our school. Why not give this sport a go! Your child would have received a note… Continue Reading →
It is time for our Woodend Basketball to commence. We are calling for students from Years 2-6 that are interested in playing basketball for our school. This has been a popular sport choice with our students as some love to… Continue Reading →
We welcome your donations of baked goods to sell on Sports Day on Friday 1st November 2024. We would also be grateful for your help selling the items on the stall. Please see this poster for more details. Thank you… Continue Reading →
Congratulations to our Pedal Prix team! They competed in their third race on Saturday 3rd August at ‘The Bend’ at Tailem Bend. The team members had several opportunities throughout the day to ride and showed more confidence with the car,… Continue Reading →
Our “Woodend KPOW” team got off to a successful start in their first of three races this year! By the end of today, the team completed 46 laps with the best lap being 5 minutes and 41 seconds. We finished… Continue Reading →
Would you or your child like to know more about School Sport at Woodend? BASKETBALL NETBALL AFL FOOTBALL SOCCER PEDAL PRIX CRICKET We would love more or our students consider playing a school sport and our… Continue Reading →
It is time to find out more about Pedal Prix for 2024! Kerry, our Pedal Prix coordinator will talk to students and parents/carers about all you need to know about Pedal Prix and give your child an opportunity to try… Continue Reading →
* Basketball registrations have been left open on Qkr for two more days * This means registrations will now close at midday on this Wednesday 14th February 2024. We have had a positive response from the community for Basketball this year. We… Continue Reading →
Basketball registrations are open and available on Qkr. Term 1 Basketball cost is $75 which covers registration fee, uniform hire and student participation acknowledgement. Please note: Registrations will close on Friday 9th February 2024. Please note there is a separate… Continue Reading →
We finished off 2023 Sport with our Woodend students and community not only showing their skills but also their sporting spirit and team work. Thank you to all our students for participating and giving your best effort to your team… Continue Reading →
There has been so many opportunities for students to play a sport or be engaged in a team event! We wish to thank all of our Coordinators, Team Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Water carriers, Goal Umpires or any way that you… Continue Reading →
We would like to acknowledge those parents, carers and grandparents for your support of Woodend sport this year. Whether you have coordinated, coached, team managed, helped in goals, umpired, supplied oranges or carried team drink bottles or equipment, we would… Continue Reading →
We have our annual Baked Goods stall for Sports Day! The proceeds go to support Sport at Woodend and so we would appreciate you supporting us by providing some baked goods and/or offering some time to work on the stall. … Continue Reading →
Here is all you need to know about Sports Day from our friendly canteen staff: *** Sports Day Friday 3rd November 2023 *** The Sports Day Sausage Sizzle is the popular Sports Day lunch item! There are drinks and treats… Continue Reading →
Last Saturday 5th August, our Pedal Prix team and their families headed to ‘The Bend’ at Tailem Bend for their next 8 hour race. The team members had several opportunities throughout the day to ride and showed more confidence with… Continue Reading →
Yesterday, Sunday 18th June, fourteen of our students rode our new “KAPOW” Pedal Prix car around Victoria Park racecourse. The car looked very modern with it’s new signage!. This was the second race for this year and the team got… Continue Reading →
It is now time to register for Basketball! We are excited to have this sport available again! We thank you for your patience until we organised the change of fee paying structure set down by Basketball SA. Please register and… Continue Reading →
STATE BASKETBALL During last month the Year 5/6 girls Basketball team competed against some strong opposition in the State finals and we are very proud of their efforts. They all deserve commendation for making it this far in Basketball. Game… Continue Reading →
It is time to recognise our parent/carer volunteers involved in Sport. For all our amazing parents/carers who have supported our students with any sport, taking on a role of regularly: coordinating managing a team transporting students umpiring scoring coaching You… Continue Reading →
BASKETBALL Friday 12th August The boys team were able to make solid improvements after a tough first 3 games. They worked hard on their skills and were rewarded with a great win to finish the day and ended in 7th… Continue Reading →
SOCCER On Tuesday 21st June, the Woodend boys played two games of Soccer. Game 1 was against Reynella East and finished in a 2-2 draw. We then had an exciting penalty shoot out to determine the winner. Reynella East ended… Continue Reading →
SAPSASA RUGBY On Friday 3rd June, both Woodend teams participated in the Rugby League competition. Both teams made the grand final which was a fantastic achievement! Unfortunately both teams just went down by a few points in both the boys… Continue Reading →
Over sixty families participated in our recent NAB AFL Auskick program held at our Woodend School oval. This program has been operating for many years and every year, we see our young children learning our Aussie rules skills and having… Continue Reading →
This month we have had students participate in three SAPSASA events. On Thursday 5th May Cross Country took place in wet and wintry conditions with moments of sunshine at Belair National Park. Well done to all Woodend students who trained… Continue Reading →
The Auskick program at Woodend commenced today! We had approximately sixty 5-12 year old Woodend students participate and their parent/carers watched and encouraged. With the support of the SANFL Auskick coordinators and many helpful volunteer parents/carers, our little people learnt… Continue Reading →
Today was our annual Showdown donut day! Students could wear their favourite sporting colours and by choice, have their donut. There was the choice of an Adelaide Crows, Port Power or OMG gluten free cinnamon choice. Thank you to the… Continue Reading →
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