Parent Network volunteers are excited to once again host a Gift Stall in honour of Father’s Day. Our aim is to offer students an opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to the special people in their lives who care for them…. Continue Reading →
ORDER NOW ON QKR! Orders Close: Wednesday 9 August Head to the QKR app to view the full range of products; 16 items are available to purchase. Place as many orders as you like on QKR… order for friends, family,… Continue Reading →
Parent Network volunteers are excited to once again host a Gift Stall in honour of Mother’s Day. Our aim is to offer students an opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to the special people in their lives who care for them…. Continue Reading →
The Woodend Performance Team are organising a Snow Cone Fundraiser to raise money to buy costumes. This team have begun rehearsals and will be performing on stage in September. Snow Cone Day details: When: Friday 14th April (last day of… Continue Reading →
Date: Wednesday 8 March 2023 Social Hour: 6pm Presentation: 7 – 8:30 pm. Location: WPS Gym Join us for what is sure to be a fantastic presentation from Mark Le Messurier – a teacher, counsellor, author and public speaker. Mark… Continue Reading →
Here at Woodend we have a number of committees that do a great deal to support our school – without our parent volunteers we wouldn’t be able to do so many of the things we appreciate about Woodend! We invite… Continue Reading →
Are you wondering how and where to get involved at Woodend? You are invited to join our Parent Network! Parent Network is a committee of parents & carers – our aim is to support parents, support the school, and build… Continue Reading →
Congratulations to our Colour Run VIPs! This is awared to the top 3 classes that had: most funds raised = room 12 ($4332) highest participation = room 22 (100%) and room 30 (84%) best team spirit = room 22 for… Continue Reading →
It is nearly time for our Colour Run event: Friday 28 October on the School Oval. Here is some important information about the event: TIMETABLE: Recess 11:05 = year 5/6 – rooms 17, 27, 28, 29 11:30 = year 4… Continue Reading →
Wow! Wow! Wow! Our school community have gone above and beyond in their fundraising efforts with over $38,000 donated and 61% of students participating… we are truly astonished and grateful! We will definitely be able to revamp the street, purchase… Continue Reading →
This month, parent volunteers organised and ran another successful gift stall at Woodend, in honour of Father’s Day. We would like to thank Parent Co-ordinator Jess Simmons and her team of volunteers: Lisa, Sindy, Keeley, Shannon, Kimberly, Jess, Carolyn, Jenny,… Continue Reading →
A reminder to all families: please abide by all traffic & parking rules & restrictions in the streets around our school. The safety of the children and families must be all of our priority, we ALL need to do the right… Continue Reading →
This year, we will be holding a School Colour-Run as our major fundraising event! Organised by our SRC and parent network, this event is designed to raise much needed money towards improving The Street learning and play spaces and purchasing a portable stage set… Continue Reading →
We are excited to announce that this year we are doing a Colour Run Fundraiser! Perhaps you were part of our community in 2018 or 2019 when we last held Colour Runs, it is a lot of fun! This year… Continue Reading →
Parent Network volunteers are excited to once again host a Gift Stall in honour of Father’s Day. Our aim is to offer students an opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to the special people in their lives who care for them…. Continue Reading →
Thank you to our 2022 OSHC Staff! Kari Hi my name is Kari and I joined the team at Woodend Primary in 2022. I currently work as an SSO in the Reception classes during the school term and in OSHC… Continue Reading →
WPS Governing Council would like to recognise the hard work of our OSHC staff and the wonderful support of our OSHC families. As you know, by the end of term 1 this year, our OSHC was in a tough spot!… Continue Reading →
Pathways to a Healthy Mind Parent Workshop with Dr Tom Nehmy For: parents of ELC and primary school aged children Wednesday 15 June – WPS Gym 6pm – Doors open, Drinks & Nibbles for Parents & Carers 7pm – 90… Continue Reading →
Parent Network volunteers are excited to once again host a Gift Stall in honour of Mother’s Day. Our aim is to offer students an opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to the special people in their lives who care for them…. Continue Reading →
WPS Governing Council would like to acknowledge the amazing work of our canteen staff: Karen, Sindy, and Jess as well as our regular canteen volunteers. Our school canteen has remained open through 2 years of disruption, ongoing restrictions, food supply… Continue Reading →
Hello to all Woodend Parents & Carers, I hope that 2022 is off to a good start for your family. I would like to invite you to attend the 2022 Woodend Primary School Annual General Meeting. The AGM is an… Continue Reading →
Hello to all Woodend Parents & Carers, I hope that 2021 is off to a good start! I would like to invite you to attend the Woodend Primary School Annual General Meeting. The AGM is an opportunity to learn more… Continue Reading →
UPDATE TO PARKING / KISS & GO ZONE – EDWARD BECK DRIVE: PLEASE NOTE: Marion Council have adjusted the NO PARKING times at the Kiss & GO zone. The afternoon NO PARKING times are now 2:30pm – 3:30pm, Monday –… Continue Reading →
You are invited to join the WPS 2021 Parent Network. Parent Network is a committee of parents & carers – our aim is to connect with and support other parents, the students, and our school. Parent Network volunteers run a number of… Continue Reading →
We have set a new date & time for the Woodend Primary School AGM : Wednesday 27 May 2020 @ 7pm… online via zoom! The AGM is open to all members of our school community. It can be a fanstastic… Continue Reading →
Hello to all Woodend Parents & Carers – welcome to another exciting year at our school! I would like to invite you to attend the Woodend Primary School Annual General Meeting. The AGM is an opportunity to learn more about… Continue Reading →
Thank you to all Woodend students, staff, and families for helping to make the 2019 Colour Run a fantastic event and fundraiser. Thanks to your effort, we’ve raised approximately $7700 to help with the new playground & nature play at… Continue Reading →
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