

Woodend’s new Canteen Cafe

On Thursday 28th November, several classes gathered to support the official opening of Woodend’s new ‘Canteen Cafe’.  Several months ago, Shannon Farley, a student who chairs the Recycling Committee on SRC initiated a cafe concept for Woodend.  The purpose of… Continue Reading →

Reminder about late lunches

LATE LUNCHES As previously posted, it is from time-to-time that students come to school without their lunch.  We are able to help with supplying a choice of a vegemite or cheese sandwich only (no toasties) for emergency lunches or late… Continue Reading →

Gluten Free Options in Canteen

A goal of the Healthy Eating Committee has been to consider options for students with food intolerances or allergies.  Karen, our Canteen Manager and staff have been busily investigating gluten-free menu choices for those students and adults who are gluten… Continue Reading →

New Canteen Manager at Woodend

Our new Canteen Manager at Woodend is Karen Graham.  Karen was the successful applicant for the position and has commenced her role this term.  Her background as a chef makes her well suited to the role and we wish her… Continue Reading →

Buy a Donut in your local football team colours!

For those students who love donuts and/or their Adelaide Crows or Port Power football team, here is a purchase you will love!  As a treat to celebrate the upcoming “Showdown” football match between Adelaide Crows and Port Power on May… Continue Reading →

Tasty choices for Autumn

With Autumn here, the students can enjoy some popular hot menu items from our canteen menu.  Has your child tried our scrumptious lasagne?  This is one of many items that is freshly made at the canteen and we source the… Continue Reading →

Canteen Changes For Term 2

PRICE CHANGES Due to cost increases, there will be several price changes to our Canteen Menu.  The change will take effect as of Term 2. These will be: Chicken Nugget Meal  $4.00 Lasagne  $4.50 Treasure Chest  $5.00 Pizzas $3.50 Toasted… Continue Reading →

Keep cool with these tasty treats!

With the warm weather still with us, here are some refreshing and cool treats for your child to sample at the canteen.  You might like to recommend these to your child … Frozen juice cups – orange, apple, pineapple and… Continue Reading →

Our Canteen staff would love your help!

This post is to introduce our friendly, hard-working and quiet achievers, Helen and Lee, and to acknowledge their work in purchasing, preparing and selling a variety of snacks and lunches to your children.  We would also really appreciate your help… Continue Reading →

Some Spring/Summer treats

With the spring weather here, the canteen have some ideas of recess or lunch play munchies.  These items – fruit jelly, strawberry or chocolate mousse, fresh fruit or fruit Quelches are all only $1.00! The pizza is also a popular… Continue Reading →

Sushi Lunch Day!

Last Tuesday 15th May students and staff trialled a Sushi Lunch Day at Woodend! We were very pleased with the numbers of orders by students and staff.  Choices were: Tuna/carrot/cucumber Teriyaki chicken or Avocado/carrot/cucumber including gluten free choices We thank… Continue Reading →

Hamburger lunch!

REMINDER: Woodies Goodies Hamburger Days Students can be treated to a nutritious homemade hamburger for lunch. Monday 7 August – Receptions to Year 3 Tuesday 8 August – Years 4 – 7 Choices and costs: chicken or beef hamburger with lettuce… Continue Reading →

How about a tasty hamburger for lunch?!

Special treat next term! Students can be treated to a nutritious homemade hamburger for lunch.  Healthy Eating Committee have organised this special lunch day for: Monday 7 August (Receptions – Yr 3) and Tuesday 8 August (Years 4 – 7).  This is… Continue Reading →

Something to try at the Canteen!

We are going to offer over-the-counter items as a trial on a fortnightly basis.  We are hopeful the students and staff trial and enjoy them. Starting next week (Week 9) we will be selling: PUMPKIN SOUP with a BREAD ROLL for… Continue Reading →

Canteen Rewards!

Be rewarded for your services! Volunteering in the canteen can earn your child a canteen voucher! Assisting the canteen staff, Helen or Lee, on any day would be appreciated.  You can help anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you… Continue Reading →

Sausage Sizzle 2 Dec … Orders by 28 Nov

Canteen winter warmers!

With winter well and truly here, the students are enjoying some popular hot menu items from our winter canteen menu.  Has your child tried our tasty lasagne?  This is one of many items that are freshly made at the canteen… Continue Reading →

Baked Potatoes… order now!

Tuesday 31 May for Years Rec-4 Wednesday, 1 June for Years 5-7 Choice of two toppings: Bolognaise Sauce & Cheese or Ham, Cheese & Coleslaw $5.00 each Potatoes can be ordered by using Qkr! – Phone App (Click on Qkr! payments… Continue Reading →

Check out our new Winter Menu!

Our new Woodend Canteen Winter Menu not only has a new look, it has become a seasonal menu!  You will find some changes to suit the cooler weather over these next 2 terms.  The changes to the menu are based… Continue Reading →

REMINDER: Sports Day Sausage Sizzle Order Forms

Sports Day Sausage Sizzle forms have gone home for you and  your family to order sausages for Sports Day on Thursday, 24 March. All orders will be delivered to the classroom indicated on the order forms. NO LUNCH ORDERS will be… Continue Reading →

Did you know?

Here at Woodend we have a Healthy Eating Committee.  At our first committee meeting for the year, we worked on defining our purpose and directions.  This is our purpose: Healthy eating and drinking at Woodend Primary School is about improving the health… Continue Reading →

Woodend Cook Up # 2

The aromas and tastings in our Stephanie Alexander kitchen on Monday were so inviting! Once again representatives from the Healthy Eating Committee, Parent Network and volunteers worked productively for hours to cook nutritious and flavoursome meals for our canteen. We continue to focus on… Continue Reading →

Mmmmm … did you know?

Scrumptious choices at the Canteen… Our Healthy Eating Canteen committee have been reviewing our Canteen menu recently.  As with all schools, we referenced the Healthy Eating Guidelines within the Right Bite strategy which is the Department for Education and Child Development’s Food… Continue Reading →

Meet Our Canteen Staff

We would like to share with you some information about our school canteen.  This post is to introduce our friendly, hard-working and quiet achievers Helen, Di and Lee and to acknowledge their work in purchasing, preparing and selling a variety… Continue Reading →

What is in a balanced lunchbox?

As the new school year commences, families return to morning routines.  One routine required almost every weekday morning is packing your child’s lunchbox.  Parents/caregivers ask themselves the same questions:   What can I give me child today?  What will they… Continue Reading →

Canteen Is Now Open Tomorrow

The power will now not be out on Friday 30 January. SA Power Networks informed us yesterday that the outage is now likely to occur in a few weeks’ time. To avoid us being inconvenienced they may provide us with… Continue Reading →

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