
General Information and Reminders

End of Term 2 Early Dismissal

Just a reminder that the last day of Term 2 is an Early Dismissal. We finish the term on Friday 5th July 2024 at 2.05pm not 3.05pm. Term 3 commences on Monday 22nd July 2024.

Safety Net – Cyber Safety workshops

Thank you to Bully Zero and La La Latte for informative and parent and student Safety Net workshops and delicious coffee! Thanks also to the parents who took time out of their day to come along to further the important… Continue Reading →

Bully Zero coming to Woodend PS

Children can learn, explore, play and make friends online. But there can be risks and parents can feel ill-equipped to support their children to navigate, explore and connect safely in online spaces. To support students and families, we have engaged… Continue Reading →

Intergenerational Playgroup at AnglicareSA Trott Park Residential Aged Care Facility.

From the staff at AnglicareSA Trott Park: We are reaching out to families with children between the ages of 0 to 5 years of age to join our Intergenerational Playgroup at AnglicareSA Trott Park. Program will run during school terms. … Continue Reading →

Our School Market is back!

Our School Market is back this week! We are open on Wednesday (tomorrow) from 2.55pm. You can find us in the ‘Street’ outside Room 3 classroom.  You can purchase garden produce using cash or Qkr. See you there!

Before & After School – Access to Hallways & Classrooms

It is great to see many students and families choosing to access the school via the Young Street gate in the morning. This helps to alleviate some of the congestion on other roads and paths. To help in establishing the… Continue Reading →

Safety Reminders

Thank you to all families who have been mindful of student safety at drop off and pick up. We ALL need to prioritise safety above convenience and abide by all traffic and parking rules in the streets around our school. Modelling… Continue Reading →

Cyber Safety Update: Website Concern

In today’s digital age, keeping our children safe online is crucial. We wish to draw your attention to a potential online safety issue due to the resurgence in use of the dangerous website ‘Omegle.’ While this site is blocked by… Continue Reading →

School Crossings and Kiss and Go

Thank you to all drivers who have been making an effort to follow the rules while using the roads around our school. We noticed a big improvement yesterday afternoon, resulting in the Kiss and Go operating smoothly, safely and much… Continue Reading →

Enrolling at Woodend Children’s Centre for 2024

Is your child turning 4 next year? It is that time of year where you need to enrol your child in Woodend Children’s Centre.  This is a reminder to families to make contact with the centre to organise this process. … Continue Reading →

Parent forum for families of children with a disability or additional needs

The Statewide Inclusive Education Services (SIES), formerly SERU, holds regular parent forums to support and encourage parent engagement, capability building and networking with other families. SIES parent forums are a safe space for families to gather information and resources to… Continue Reading →

Welcome to Term 3: Building Update & Diary Dates

Welcome back to term 3.  Hopefully everyone enjoyed the break from routine and the time with family. Many children have eagerly shared about their time on holiday, travelling or spending time with friends.  It is obvious that students have returned… Continue Reading →

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The  NCCD occurs for all schools in Australia in the coming week. The collection counts: the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the… Continue Reading →

Trott Park Kindergarten enrolment reminder

TROTT PARK KINDERGARTEN – Don’t forgot to enrol your child now for Term 1, 2024 We are a full time Department of Education Kindergarten offering a preschool program – Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 2.45pm and alternate Fridays 8:30am to 1:30pm…. Continue Reading →

Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day with us!

Next Tuesday 21 March we will be celebrating World Syndrome Day! This is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The date for WDSD – the 21st day of the 3rd month,… Continue Reading →

NAPLAN Update – Year 3 & Year 5

The 2023 NAPLAN window is approaching, with the first test to take place on Wednesday the 15th of March. On Tuesday the 28th of February, students in Year 3 and Year 5 will take part in the Nationally Coordinated Practice… Continue Reading →

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD)

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The date for WDSD – the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the… Continue Reading →

FAQ’s about our Woodies Goodies Canteen

Hi all Last term we received some questions from parents/carers and students regarding the Canteen. We thought we would answer them here. What items do we sell over the counter at recess and lunch times? We sell a range of… Continue Reading →

Pre-service teachers

To play our role in assisting in the development of high quality teachers for future generations, Woodend Primary school is committed to providing university students with an opportunity to experience a period of classroom-based learning, with mentoring from an experienced teacher,… Continue Reading →

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)

The Department for Education Child protection in schools, early childhood education and care services policy states that ‘all children and young people in the department’s preschools and schools will access the approved child protection curriculum’. The KS:CPC teaches children and… Continue Reading →

Parent forum for parents and carers of children with disability

Parents and carers of children with disability are invited to join a free parent forum on Friday 27 May. This continues the series of forums for parents provided by the department. The forum will open with the keynote by Angela… Continue Reading →

End of Term Early Dismissal

Just a reminder that the last day of Term 1 is an Early Dismissal. We finish the term on Thursday, 14 April 2022 at 2.05pm not 3.05pm. Term 2 Commences on Monday 2 May 2022.

Berrima Road

Thank you to all who have shown patience and found creative solutions for drop off and pick up with the heavy traffic and congestion around the school at the moment. Marion Council have advised that Berrima Road will have one… Continue Reading →

Keep Kids Safe: Traffic Rules Around Schools

Please find attached a flyer from the City of Marion Council, informing the community about road safety and specific road rules around schools. We remind all families that it is important to use designated crossing areas. Please make the effort… Continue Reading →

Introducing Our NEW School Vision & Values!

We are proud to share our newly developed school vision and values. Our values and the statements that support them represent the importance of respect, community, acceptance, care, wellbeing, resilience, responsibility and teamwork described by our school community during the… Continue Reading →

Colour the school with care – wellbeing day

During week 8 there are a number of significant dates related to wellbeing and inclusion – International Day against Bullying and Violence, International Happiness Day, World Down Syndrome Day and Harmony Day all fall within a few days of week… Continue Reading →

Shoe Boxes of Love, showing care to those impacted by the recent floods

Many our our students have expressed their concern for the communities that have been affected by the recent floods. The students from Room 1, with the support of our SRC, are leading the collection of Shoe Boxes of Love as… Continue Reading →

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