
J Natar

Safety Net – Cyber Safety workshops

Thank you to Bully Zero and La La Latte for informative and parent and student Safety Net workshops and delicious coffee! Thanks also to the parents who took time out of their day to come along to further the important… Continue Reading →

Library Update

It was with much excitement and many ‘Wow’s that Laura Smith’s reception class was first to visit the newly refurbished library this morning. Many thanks to Felicity Humphrys and Sarah  for the many hours spent setting up this exciting new… Continue Reading →

Bully Zero coming to Woodend PS

Children can learn, explore, play and make friends online. But there can be risks and parents can feel ill-equipped to support their children to navigate, explore and connect safely in online spaces. To support students and families, we have engaged… Continue Reading →

Intergenerational Playgroup at AnglicareSA Trott Park Residential Aged Care Facility.

From the staff at AnglicareSA Trott Park: We are reaching out to families with children between the ages of 0 to 5 years of age to join our Intergenerational Playgroup at AnglicareSA Trott Park. Program will run during school terms. … Continue Reading →

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey

Our students have been invited to take part in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey. The survey will be open in weeks 2 to 5 this term (Monday 6 May to Friday 31 May 2024). Purpose of the survey Young… Continue Reading →

Student Home Internet Access

Students and families who have inadequate or no access to internet at home are eligible to apply for a free internet connection to support learning. There are 2 options available to eligible families: wireless internet access from the Department for… Continue Reading →

Safer Internet Day

Tomorrow, 6 February is  Safer Internet Day , a day established to raise awareness of online safety issues. The eSafety Commissioner leads the initiative in Australia. This Safer Internet Day the eSafety Commissioner is encouraging all Australians to take three… Continue Reading →

Safety Reminders

Thank you to all families who have been mindful of student safety at drop off and pick up. We ALL need to prioritise safety above convenience and abide by all traffic and parking rules in the streets around our school. Modelling… Continue Reading →

Bully Audit #2 2023

Towards the end of term 2, we conducted the second of our Bully Audits for 2023 with all year 3-6 students. This audit showed that around 75% of our students understood what bullying is and what it isn’t. We trust… Continue Reading →

Attendance Matters

There is no safe threshold to missing school School attendance is compulsory and students are expected to: attend school every day the school is open arrive at school and to all lessons and activities on time participate positively in all… Continue Reading →

Bully Zero at Woodend

Yesterday, our year 1-6 students were involved in Bully Zero Workshops and in painting a whole school mural celebrating difference. At the workshops year 1 and 2 students learnt about what bullying is, what it isn’t, what to do if… Continue Reading →

Bully Zero Parent Information workshop

Bully Zero Workshops

We were successful in securing a $500 grant to use for implementing strategies for a proactive approach to bullying prevention and education. With the school providing additional funding we have secured Bully Zero to provide workshops for all students in… Continue Reading →

Parent Information – Bullying


Royal Adelaide Show

CONGRATULATIONS to our first place winning Seniors with their award ribbons from the Royal Adelaide Show!! Our students received first place awards for Herb Bouquet and Seasonal Vegetables. Our scarecrows are on display at the front of the Garden for… Continue Reading →

Attendance Matters

School attendance is compulsory and schools in SA expect their students to be in class around 200 days a year. On average, Woodend PS students attendance for 2023 is 91% which is just short of our goal of 95%. While… Continue Reading →

School Crossings and Kiss and Go

Thank you to all drivers who have been making an effort to follow the rules while using the roads around our school. We noticed a big improvement yesterday afternoon, resulting in the Kiss and Go operating smoothly, safely and much… Continue Reading →

Book Week 2023 Read, Inspire, Grow

What a spectacle this morning! The oval track was lined with families enjoying the Book Week parade followed by some beautiful performances from our Junior and Senior Choirs and the Library Committee announcing this years winning books. Following our mini… Continue Reading →

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) supports parents, students and their school communities to find practical and lasting solutions to bullying and violence. This year the National Day of Action is on Friday 18 August. The… Continue Reading →

Parent forum for families of children with a disability or additional needs

The Statewide Inclusive Education Services (SIES), formerly SERU, holds regular parent forums to support and encourage parent engagement, capability building and networking with other families. SIES parent forums are a safe space for families to gather information and resources to… Continue Reading →

Free # Science Week event

Presented by University of Adelaide Botanist – Dr Kathryn Hill. A fun, interactive workshop that will help participants understand the value of trees, particularly in urban settings by encouraging participants to consider what makes a good urban tree and understand… Continue Reading →

Welcome to Term 3: Building Update & Diary Dates

Welcome back to term 3.  Hopefully everyone enjoyed the break from routine and the time with family. Many children have eagerly shared about their time on holiday, travelling or spending time with friends.  It is obvious that students have returned… Continue Reading →

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The  NCCD occurs for all schools in Australia in the coming week. The collection counts: the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the… Continue Reading →

End of term early dismissal

REMINDER: EARLY FINISH School will finish at 2:05pm On Friday 7 July 2023. OSHC will begin earlier to accomodate this finish time.

SERU Parent Forum 19 June 2023

Parents and carers of children and young people with disability are invited to a parent forum on Monday 19th June 2023. In this forum you will have the opportunity to hear about Special Options processes and managing transition changes For… Continue Reading →

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection 2023

Our students have been invited to take part in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection survey. The survey will be open in weeks 2 to 5 this term (Monday 8 May to Friday 2 June 2023). Purpose of the survey Young… Continue Reading →

Learning Support

There have been some staff changes within our learning support team this term. At the end of last term we farewelled Lisa Budick, who has been supporting our students for the past 5 years. Lisa has been a valuable member… Continue Reading →

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