
J Natar

Safety reminders

We hope your children enjoyed a relaxing family break and a chance to recharge ready for term 2. We look forward to the term ahead, working in partnership to support our students and young people as they continue their learning… Continue Reading →

FREE training for families of students with autism –

In 2023 all DfE schools appointed an Autism Inclusion Teacher. As part of this initiative staff have been working with ‘Positive Partnerships’ to build their skills and knowledge of autism. We now have the opportunity for parents, carers and family… Continue Reading →

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD)

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The date for WDSD – the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the… Continue Reading →

Acquaintance Night Tuesday 7 February

We are excited to be able to welcome parents on site after a couple of years of covid restrictions preventing or limiting this. Acquaintance night is a fabulous opportunity to make connections with your child’s classroom teacher, specialist teachers and… Continue Reading →

Welcome to Woodend 2023

A very warm welcome to all of our students and families who are returning to Woodend Primary School and a special welcome to our 97 new receptions and their families, as well as older students and their families starting at… Continue Reading →

Thank you to our amazing volunteers

We have valued and appreciated the strong level of community support throughout 2022. Our volunteers have again worked so hard this year, generously giving their time, energy and ideas for the benefit of our school. It may be organising or… Continue Reading →

Calm Kid Central FREE Webinars

Learn to support your primary school aged child with worry, frustration, managing impulses and tricky behaviour. Zoom into 1 or all 3webinars – 1 hr duration for FREE. 1)Wednesday 26th of October 2022 at 7pm (Adelaide) – “Calm and Confident… Continue Reading →

Bully Audit Term 3 2022

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one… Continue Reading →

Clever Kids

Clever Kids is a small group social-emotional wellbeing program facilitated through SPELD and designed for children with a diagnosis of dyslexia. It aims to improve student self-esteem, resilience and assertiveness, and to help them to develop effective coping strategies, as… Continue Reading →

Reminder – Student free day to start term 3

Student Free Day Monday 25 July Staff will be involves in professional learning at school. School resumes for students on Tuesday 26 July

Invitation to Wistow Crescent Reserve Upgrade Opening

Invite-A4-ParksPlaygrounds Wistow

Free Parent Seminar – Calm and Cooperative Kids

Calm and Co-operative kids free parent webinar – presented by Psychologist Kirrilie Smout This webinar focusses on helping children who have a tendency towards frustration and difficulties managing impulses or feeling uncooperative. This newly written free parent webinar is on… Continue Reading →

Pre-service teachers

To play our role in assisting in the development of high quality teachers for future generations, Woodend Primary school is committed to providing university students with an opportunity to experience a period of classroom-based learning, with mentoring from an experienced teacher,… Continue Reading →

Learning Support Term 2

Our learning support programs are up and running again for term 2 and we are pleased with the progress students are making with this additional support. This term, we have started an additional support program for year 5 students and… Continue Reading →

Fantasy Writing Competition

A big thank you to Ms Humphrys in the Library, and Bethany, who recently organised a writing competition for our students. Some of our students excelled with their creative writing and during the holidays Ms Humphrys and Bethany had the… Continue Reading →

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)

The Department for Education Child protection in schools, early childhood education and care services policy states that ‘all children and young people in the department’s preschools and schools will access the approved child protection curriculum’. The KS:CPC teaches children and… Continue Reading →

Parent forum for parents and carers of children with disability

Parents and carers of children with disability are invited to join a free parent forum on Friday 27 May. This continues the series of forums for parents provided by the department. The forum will open with the keynote by Angela… Continue Reading →

End of Term Early Dismissal

Just a reminder that the last day of Term 1 is an Early Dismissal. We finish the term on Thursday, 14 April 2022 at 2.05pm not 3.05pm. Term 2 Commences on Monday 2 May 2022.

Autism SA parent tips for holidays and upcoming workshops

Over the next few weeks Autism SA are offering some evidence-informed workshops which will help you support your child.  Upcoming workshops include: Managing screen time Self advocacy matters To see all of the workshops available at Autism SA, please visit… Continue Reading →

Parent Webinars – Calm and Confident Kids

Please see information attached about free parent webinars presented by Calm Kid Central and Developing Minds Clinical Child Psychologist Kirrilie Smout. Learn to help children with a tendency towards worry or anxiety. Parenting Webinars 2022 APHN

Berrima Road

Thank you to all who have shown patience and found creative solutions for drop off and pick up with the heavy traffic and congestion around the school at the moment. Marion Council have advised that Berrima Road will have one… Continue Reading →

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection 2022

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) 2022 – Parent Letter[62]

Colour the school with care – wellbeing day

During week 8 there are a number of significant dates related to wellbeing and inclusion – International Day against Bullying and Violence, International Happiness Day, World Down Syndrome Day and Harmony Day all fall within a few days of week… Continue Reading →

Student Free Day and End of Term 1

Tuesday, 15 March 2022 Staff will be involved in workshops related to our site improvement plan. OSHC is available. Bookings are essential. Please phone 0411274747. Last Day of Term 1 is Thursday, 14 April 2022 Students will be dismissed at… Continue Reading →

Berrima Rd Closure

As you would be aware, Berrima Road will be closed to traffic for nearly two months while the City of Marion installs a new stormwater culvert. Contractors will be working in the area from 7 March until 22 April and… Continue Reading →

E-Safety Parent and Carer Webinars 2022

2022 Parent series – Schedule

Drop off and pick up procedure for students of essential workers

Tomorrow morning (Wednesday), all students will resume learning for 2022. Reception and year 1 students will begin the year at school in their classes with their classroom teacher.  Year 2-6 students will begin the year with remote learning. Thank you… Continue Reading →

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