
Play Based Learning

Intergenerational Playgroup at AnglicareSA Trott Park Residential Aged Care Facility.

From the staff at AnglicareSA Trott Park: We are reaching out to families with children between the ages of 0 to 5 years of age to join our Intergenerational Playgroup at AnglicareSA Trott Park. Program will run during school terms. … Continue Reading →

Call for play items!

Are you about to have a clean-out of your toy cupboards? If so, we would be grateful for any of the following items to enrich our play program at Woodend: Tonka Trucks or similar hard wearing toy vehicles Lego –… Continue Reading →

Do you have these items for our play program?

We would be appreciative of any of the following items for our play program for the Reception – Year 2 children.  If you or someone you know is having a clean out of cupboards, we would happily accept any of… Continue Reading →

Kindy/School Transition program

Each year as part of Woodend’s Transition program, we conduct school-to-kindy and kindy-to-school play visits.  Reception children visit the Woodend Children’s Centre to reacquaint or meet the teachers, children and the learning space and in Term 3, our Reception classes… Continue Reading →

Ready to play in the outdoor shops!

In between showers on the morning of Thursday 7 September, we celebrated the official opening of the Outdoor Shop Fronts.  The students had the opportunity to meet members of the Grounds Committee who were instrumental in making the shops.  These… Continue Reading →

Outdoor Play Shop Frontages

Construction of the outdoor play shop frontages is underway outside Room 10 adjacent to the garden.  Metal framework has been made ready for the fronts to be attached and paving put down.  We were fortunate to have several hours of… Continue Reading →

Back to Kindy!

It’s back to Kindy for our Reception students!  The Reception classes have been visiting Woodend Children’s Centre this month! As you can see from the photos, the students have had a lot of fun!  For those that attended the centre… Continue Reading →

Exciting Grounds Projects This November: Help Needed

We are working on a number  of projects in our school grounds, that will have a great impact on our students’  learning and enjoyment .  They are not big, difficult projects, but they do require some help from parents, to… Continue Reading →

Have you noticed?

Have you seen the new addition to the shed?  We are into the finishing touches of our Early Years shed which is adjacent to the grounds person’s shed.  The shed will house all outdoor play equipment including wheelbarrows and garden… Continue Reading →

More than play in Room 5!

The Receptions and Mrs Ogilvie have been very busy outdoors and not just enjoying play! Take a look at the different job roles they have undertaken and the projects started.     

Any items for Play?

Would you have any of these items to donate? We have conducted an audit on our playboxes and play areas and found several play items that we would appreciate adding to our play.  If you have any of these pre… Continue Reading →

Our Atrium Cafe

Year 2 students helped make the Atrium Cafe come alive by making a few additions, cleaning and changing the space.  Additions include:  writing paper, writing pens and pencils, whiteboard and markers, clipboard, digital timer, phone book and cash register so as… Continue Reading →

Jumping IN puddles!

This afternoon squealing and laughter could be heard in the sandpit on the oval as Room 5 Receptions had the opportunity to get all wet!  The water play afternoon was in response to the children’s interest in water and jumping in… Continue Reading →

Spring Clean?

Are you planning on having a spring clean soon? We have conducted an audit on our playboxes and play areas and found several play items that we would appreciate adding to our play.  If you have any of these pre… Continue Reading →

Student Reports … Working Collaboratively To Achieve Learning Improvements

The  mid year student reports have been sent home today.  They should really summarise what students, teachers and parents already know about learning  achievements, goals and support.  Our school Learning Plan is increasingly focussed on stretching students’ learning by not only… Continue Reading →

It’s Winter So It’s Time To Remember… The Importance of Mud

  Check out the article below, and also the 25 things to do in winter. NaturePlay-ThingsToDo-ImportanceOfMud NaturePlay-ThingsToDo-Winter  

Enjoy A Great Family Break … Why Not Try The Cubby Building Days At Belair National Park on 16 &17 July? Park Entry Is Free!

We know that it’s a good chance for staff and students to have a recuperative break during these holidays.  We  know there will be some lovely crisp  winter days, ready made for some outside play too.  Nature Play SA have some… Continue Reading →

Play at Woodend

Our teachers have always recognised that  play was an important aspect of child development.  However, it has also been challenging for teachers to  provide enough time for play while working to develop  formal  literacy and numeracy skills.  We are now really… Continue Reading →

AGM 2015 … Biodiversity And Nature Play Project Launched

We are very  excited to launch this project.  There are exciting things about to happened and our  plans are looking  good. At the AGM students supported the presentation by Monina Gilbey and Jeremy Gramp, which gave an overview of the… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Imaginative Play

We are striving to create improved opportunities for creativity, curiosity, language development, cooperation, personal reflection and wonderment. Our vision for our learners is about developing these very things… Our Biodiversity and Nature Play  Project is one element of this focus. You… Continue Reading →


This term in The Arts we have been working on making a movie. Our movie is going to be about a news presenter asking kids what they think “imagining” is.  We asked students from Room 9 what they thought imagining is…. Continue Reading →

Create Time To Play

There’s always a good reason to create some time for play; especially as play is important  in developing creativity. Creativity is something we all enjoy, and our young ones have in bucket loads. These students in Jane Ramsey’s class are having a lovely time building… Continue Reading →

Nature Play Passports…Adventures Await

This year as we launch into our major nature play developments around the oval, we are keen to have all families thinking about more outdoor activities that children may experience.  To support this, all students have received a Nature Play… Continue Reading →

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