Each year schools from the district compete in an Inter school Hiragana Challenge. This involves Year 7 students, competing in teams of 4, to show their knowledge of the Japanese alphabet. We have had much success in the past.

This year we are able to take 4 teams to the event which is being held at Woodcroft PS. To decide which students will represent Woodend, on Tuesday August 22nd we held our own competition and had run offs in the school gym. All Year 7 students were part of a team. The competition was fierce!

After 2 rounds with each team having played twice, we had outright winners for 1st, 2nd and 3rd with a tie for 4th! We had another round for these 2 teams, again with it coming down to the wire and our 4th team being chosen.

Every student put in a fantastic effort and all should be very proud.

We look forward to a great day on September 13th and know that our students will be excellent ambassodors for our school.

GAMBARIMASHO~! (Let do this!)

Getting ready to compete

Our fantastic helpers Tamieka, Lilly and Leah