As part of Woodend’s Way2Go partnership we are participating in a Way2Go Walktober Challenge from Monday 14 October – Thursday 31 October 2019.

Why participate in Way2Go Walktober?

  • More walking = more fun = less cars = safer children
  • Active travel to school is good for growing brains, bones, muscles and imaginations
  • Children arrive at school wide awake and ready to learn
  • It ticks off some of the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity for children
  • It helps parents, carers and grandparents get daily exercise and chat and connect with their children

Way2Go Walktober Competition

As part of Way2Go Walktober we are running a schoolwide House Challenge – we have prizes for both the winning house AND the class with the most overall participation. Simply walk/ride/scoot during Oct 14-31 and record it in your classroom!

Way2Go Walktober tips:

Way2Go Walktober is a chance to practice new habits. Walk/ride/scoot school with your children – just once a week will make a difference!

  • try once a week and build up
  • take turns to walk with other families or to supervise each other’s children
  • save time in the morning by doing some things the night before, e.g. pumping tyres and packing lunch.
  • Too far to walk the whole way? Park nearby and walk part of the way.
  • Unable to walk/ride to or from school – go for a walk in the evening or on the weekend instead – all walks/rides will count for house/class points

Have a look at the attached map to plan your walking/riding route or to pick a location to park & walk.

Students can pick up a Way2Go walking booklet from the office if they wish to track their progress at home. (All walks will also be tracked in the classroom.)

For tips to plan a safe walk to school & things that parents can do to tell whether their child is ready for independent travel visit

Watch Jess Trengove, Olympic marathon runner for tips on teaching safe traffic behaviour