Science Week has started with a bang! Well … maybe not a bang but a reaction! Some classes spent time with ‘real’ scientists from South Australia’s Tall Poppy Program and Flinders University.
On Monday, the year 6/7’s had the opportunity to work with Dr Jayakumar Bose (Jay) and assistant, Dr Rebecca where the students conducted experiments on plants and viewed a virtual plant cell.
Today Dr Justin Chalker and PhD student, Scott Pye, worked with some Year 1 and 2 classes to conduct experiments with liquid nitrogen. They watched liquid nitrogen change into a gas and the students learnt how to make slime and play with it. There were inquisitive students observing, wondering and asking many interesting questions throughout these sessions.
On Thursday most classes will attend the science shows by SciWorld and on Thursday evening 6 – 7pm and all day Friday is our Science Expo. Students are starting to bring in their family science investigations and we look forward to displaying them for our Expo.
Many classes have parents and grandparents coming to talk about the scientific aspects of their job. These range from Immigration Officers to Beauticians. We thank those parents/grandparents for giving of their time and skills.
Classes have commenced conducting experiments or investigations in class. Walking around classes today we saw experiments about substances that dissolve; students with clipboards and writing tools searching, classifying and recording the number and type of insects within our school.
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