This year, we have 14 elected Year 6 student leaders who regularly work with our Student Representative Council (SRC) to plan and undertake student-led initiatives.

The student leaders collaborate with the SRC to determine areas of focus for our projects. These projects include an environmental focus, a wellbeing focus, and promoting student voice and agency in learning.

This year, we are working on developing outdoor spaces that challenge and engage kids to persist, learning about and improving sleep routines, and noticing and celebrating the wide array of native birds that visit our schoolyard every day.

Our Year 6 leaders collaborate with Green Adelaide as part of the Youth Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) to develop leadership, environmental, and project management knowledge and skills.

Last week, we hosted the YELP leaders from other schools in the southern area. Our student leaders hosted this day, confidently welcoming the other schools, leading activities, and taking tour groups around the school. They confidently shared YELP projects from previous years, as well as projects and activities that classes regularly participate in as part of our much-loved garden program.

We are so proud of the maturity and confidence shown by our leaders. This was also commented on by other teachers and leaders visiting on the day. Around the important work of the day, the students built positive connections with student leaders from other schools, laughing and playing together and seeing that they are part of something much bigger. The students will again come together in Term 4 to share the work they have been doing back at their schools.

We look forward to sharing our project with you, which will culminate in a special new addition to the plaza area!