To spread the load over the two Saturdays we are suggesting that families with students in even numbered class numbers may like to come on 22 August and those with students in odd numbered classes may like to come on 29 August.  Of course you can help out whenever you are able and for as little or long as you like. We would love it if you came along both Saturdays.

 Our Biodiversity and Nature Play Project is underway.  Yes, we know the new cyclone fence is pretty basic, but it will be covered in creepers and it will surrounded by lots of indigenous plants and will be a lovely green statement.  We are gearing up for some big impact working bees, so get your wheel barrows, rakes and shovels out and give us an hour or two on Saturday 22 August  and  Saturday 29 August.

The jobs will be:

  • Some path will be dug out by bobcat (thanks Steve Smith)  before 9:00 am on 22 August.  At the Working Bee we will be distributing  materials (e.g. road based  first then compacting, then the top material and then compacting again).   This job will take the two Saturdays to make a reasonable dent in this 500 metre trail.    Many wheel barrows, sturdy rakes and shovels needed.
  • Mounds created.  We will have some soil in places, which will need to be reshaped / shifted to create  mounds.  Many wheel barrows and shovels needed.
  • Construction of a timber paling fence (~37 metres). We need a good size team of people who can assist our  coordinators (Andrew Smith and others).  About 20 steel posts concreted (about 20) in on 22 August.   Holes will be dug by machine and we need someone to help with that. Railings and hardwood palings fixed on 29 August.   Tools such as spirit level, drills, drop saw needed (29 Aug).

The more hands we have the quicker we will get the jobs done.  We are expecting parents and students from all classes to come along and help.

The Grounds Committee has worked very hard to make this happen, so please let us know you can help.

So that we have an idea of how many volunteers we can expect, please contact us  or return the hardcopy slip (coming home Thursday 6 August).  We would love to have every class well represented in this major effort.

Plantings and constructions will commence once the above tasks have been completed.